ECOSOCC Commemoration of Africa Day

  • When
    25 - 27 May 2022
  • Where
    Lusaka, Zambia
Add to Calendar2022-05-25 17:05:392022-05-27 17:05:39ECOSOCC Commemoration of Africa Day <p><strong>Speakers</strong>: H.E. Stanley R.</p> Lusaka Pan-African Parliamentyab.kami@gmail.comAfrica/Nairobipublic

Speakers: H.E. Stanley R. Tsandib, Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Namibia to Zambia and Dean of the African Group of Ambassadors; ECOSOCC Head of Secretariat William Carew; Kabwata Member of Parliament, Hon Andrew Tayengwa,


To celebrate Africa by exhibiting the wealth and potential of the continent and its citizens, especially the youth; and to move the continent forward and make their contributions towards the attainment of the AU Theme of Year Strengthening Resilience in Nutrition and Food Security on the African Continent: Strengthening Agro-Food Systems, Health and Social Protection Systems for the Acceleration of Human, Social and Economic Capital Development.


Africa Day is observed annually on May 25 to commemorate the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) which was created on 25 May 1963. It is the precursor of the African Union (AU). In commemorating Africa Day 2022, the African Union Commission, including ECOSOCC, will celebrate Africa’s indigenous foods, their diversity and the nutritional value that comes from them.

The AU Theme for 2022 activities is guided by the following priorities:

  • Data management and information systems, knowledge generation and dissemination, to inform decision making;
  • Advocacy for increased commitment and nutrition investment;
  • Partnerships and mutual accountability platforms for harmonized action and transparency; and
  • Institutional capacity enhancement and enabling an environment for intensified action and delivery of results and impact.

The following specific objectives are envisaged:

  • To provide an opportunity for the continental and global appreciation of Africa’s strong linkages with organic nutrition;
  • To evaluate the progress made in the implementation of the AU commitments on nutrition at the national level; To promote African identity through staple and indigenous foods and their nutritional value as prepared by communities;
  • To showcase the significance and connectivity of food and agriculture throughout different communities and cultures on the continent;
  • To foster linkages and action in support of both the food systems through the culinary arts, education on food and nutrition;
  • To facilitate broad-based and inclusive consultations/dialogue among all relevant stakeholders and policy makers, including parliamentarians, CSOs (women groups, youth groups, farmer organizations, professional and academic institutions and associations), the private sector, and international organizations; to build a multi-sectoral platform and to reach and map out practical solutions and pathways for accelerating the achievement of results;
  • To facilitate mutual learning and experience sharing among participants and the AU through ECOSOCC in order to generate collective responsibility and buttress ownership to move forward Africa’s food and nutrition agenda.

The Africa Day Commemoration will provide an opportunity for ECOSOCC, through its partnership with the Kalulu Kreativez Centre, to contribute to the AU Theme activities through arts, fashion, food; and further, to allow the display of Africa’s ingenuity through the show of arts and crafts.

The Africa Day celebration will serve the principal purpose of providing a platform for the celebration of the founding of the OAU (AU) and the implementation of the 2022 AU Theme activities. Therefore, it will be attended by policy makers including Members of Parliament, African CSOs working in the field of nutrition and farming, the African Group of Ambassadors, arts and culture performers and the youth.

The media are invited to cover the celebrations on 25th May 2022 at 09:00hrs at Kalulu Kreativez Centre, Chalala, Woodlands Extension, Lusaka, Zambia.